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2017-12-22 生物物理与神经生物学前沿学术报告 Zhuoyi Song



       Frontiers in Biophysics and Neurobiology 

报告题目:Sensory Adaptation by Stochastic Adaptive Sampling in Receptor Neurons

---- A Multi-scale Modelling Approach

报告人:  Zhuoyi Song, Ph.D

                     Research Associate in BMS, UoS, UK

时间:   2017年12月26日(周二),下午:14:30-15:30

地点:  西区生物楼429会议室





   Receptor neurons supersede manmade sensors in their ability to  adapt according to environmental changes (adaptation). The underlying  mechanisms still remain traditional challenges in sensory neuroscience.  To study this adaptation process, I construct multi-scale computational  models for sensory receptors, which aim to link signal transduction  dynamics from the molecular to the systems level.

   I will talk about the modeling approach and how it helped to  uncover several 100-year scientific puzzles in sensory adaptation. For  example, how the models revealed a stochastic adaptive sampling  mechanism, by which a fly photoreceptor can encode logarithmic light  intensity changes. I will show how we think that the mechanism is  general in information encoding, and I want to discuss why and how these  rules may work with other sensory modalities.

   I will also briefly talk about how the models are scalable by  adding new modules. A new version of the model helped to predict how the  fly eyes achieve hyper-acuity by moving the photoreceptors to light  signals. This result has been published in a 149-page Elife paper and  has been reported by over 100 international media



2017-12-22 生物物理与神经生物学前沿学术报告 Zhuoyi Song


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