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2015-03-02 神经生物学前沿学术报告 Florian Solzbacher


报告题目:High density electrical and optical neural interfaces to enable research and clinical applications in neurological disorders

报告人: Florian Solzbacher


Director Center for Engineering Innovation

Co-Director Utah Nanotechnology Institute

Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering 
Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering 
Dept. of Bioengineering 
University of Utah 


Executive Chairman and President

Blackrock Microsystems LLC

Chairman Blackrock Neuromed LLC

时间:   2015年03月03日(周二),下午:14:00-16:00

地点:  西区生物楼531会议室





Prof. Solzbacher's research focuses on harsh environment microsystems and materials, including implantable, wireless microsystems for biomedical and healthcare applications, and on high temperature and harsh environment compatible micro sensors. Prof. Solzbacher received his M.Sc. EE (Dipl.-Ing.) from the Technical University Berlin in 1997 and his Ph.D. (Dr.-Ing.) from the Technical University Ilmenau in 2003. He is co-founder of several companies including Blackrock Microsystems, Blackrock Neuromed, and First Sensor Technology. He was a board member and Chairman of the German Association for Sensor Technology AMA and was Co-Chair of the 2012 NIH Neural Interfaces Conference. He is author of over 190 journal and conference publications, 5 book chapters and 16 pending patents.



The talk will highlight recent advances in materials, device and system technology that enable ultra high channel count >1000 electrodes chronic electrical and optical interfacing with the nervous system. Selected applications in neuroprosthetics, Epilepsy, bladder control and cardiac applications will be discussed. 


2015-03-02 神经生物学前沿学术报告 Florian Solzbacher


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