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Fang H, Zhang LF, Meng FT, Du X, Zhou JN*.2010. Acute hypoxia promote the phosphorylation of tau via ERK pathway. Neurosci Lett. 3;474(3):173-7


Fei E,Ma X,Zhu C,Xue T, Yan J, Xu Y, Zhou J, Wang G*. 2010.Nucleocytoplasmic shuttling of dysbindin-1, a schizophrenia-related protein, regulates synapsin I expression.J Biol Chem. 3;285(49):38630-40


Zhou T, Wang S, Ren H, Qi XR, Luchetti S, Kamphuis W, Zhou JN, Wang G*, Swaab DF.2010. Dendritic cell nuclear protein-1, a novel depression-related protein, upregulates corticotropin-releasing hormone expression. Brain. 133(10):3069-79


Cai L, Yan XB, Chen XN, Meng QY, Zhou JN*.2010. Chronic all-trans retinoic acid administration induced hyperactivity of HPA axis and behavioral changes in young rats. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. 20(12):839-4


Wang SS, Yan XB, Hofman MA, Swaab DF, Zhou JN*.2010. Increased expression level of corticotropin-releasing hormone in the amygdala and in the hypothalamus in rats exposed to chronic unpredictable mild stress. Neurosci Bull. 26(4):297-303


Chen B, Xia J, Li GX and Zhou YF*. 2010. The effects of acute alcohol exposure on the response proferties of neurons in visual cortex area 17 of cats. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 243: 248-258


Xu PJ, Lu ZL, Wang XP, Dosher B, Zhou JN, Zhang DR and Zhou YF*. 2010. Category and perceptual learning in subjects with treated Wilson’s Disease, PLoS one, 5(3): e9635, 1-9.


Liang Z, Yang Y, Li GX, Zhang J, Wang YC, Zhou YF* and Leventhal AG. 2010. Aging affects the direction selectivity of MT cells in rhesus monkeys. Neurobiology of Aging, 31: 863-873


Hua TM, Bao PL, Huang CB, Wang ZH, Xu JW, Zhou YF* and Lu ZL. 2010. Perceptual Learning Improves Contrast Sensitivity of V1 Neurons in Cats. Current Biology. May 25;20(10):887-94


B Li, Q Hu, H Wang, N Man, H Ren, L Wen, N Nukina, E Fei, G Wang* . 2010. Omi/HtrA2 is a positive regulator of autophagy that facilitates the degradation of mutant proteins involved in neurodegenerative diseases. Cell Death Differ. 17(11):1773-84


Dong Chen, Feng Gao, Bin Li, Hongfeng Wang, Yuxia Xu, Cuiqing Zhu, Guanghui Wang*. 2010. Parkin mono-ubiquitinates Bcl-2 and regulates autophagy. J Biol Chem. 285(49):38214-23






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